Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Tiresome question pondered again: Who is a journalist?

Paul McLeary contemplates the question for CJR Daily: Is jailed blogger a journalist or not? Read what he has to say at

1 comment:

Lynn Klyde-Silverstein said...

I don't think what most local TV "reporters" do is particularly journalistic. Does that mean that they shouldn't be considered journalists? Many people might not think that sports journalists covering games are journalists. Yet look at what two sports journalists did with "Game of Shadows," the book that sheds light on Barry Bonds and Balco. Many people consider this book to be some of the best reporting in years. Not just sports reporting, either, but the best reporting. I also have a problem with this columnist who doesn't think the blogger is a journalist because he "has an agenda." I hate to break the news to this person, but EVERY reporter has an agenda. Some are more overt than others, which may or may not be a good thing.