Monday, March 26, 2018

New Yorker bodyshames Trump?

Remember the kids' story about "The emperor's new clothes?"
An emperor was duped into buying "clothes" that only smart people could see. Being too proud to admit he might not be smart, he claims he can see the "clothes" and buys them. There was, of course, no clothes. He goes on a parade where everyone sees him marching naked.

Facebook apologizes with full-page newspaper ads

Where is Liz Spayd in all this?

How safe is your personal info?

Emma Gonzalez photoshopped into fake photoález-went-viral-on-the-far-right-where-parkland-teens-are-villains/ar-BBKGLzk?ocid=spartanntp

Monday, March 19, 2018

Facebook info mined by data company working for Trump campaign

What will happen now?!

From the HuffPost: THE FACEBOOK SCANDAL DEEPENS "Disturbing undercover interviews with executives from U.K.-based political research firm Cambridge Analytica have revealed admissions of bribery, entrapment and the use of sex workers to sway political elections around the world, according to an investigative series airing Monday." U.K. authorities have taken over the investigation into Cambridge Analytica. The blowback is "pummeling" Facebook's stock. Facebook's data security chief is also leaving over a dispute on the handling of "Russian ploys." And turns out it's harder to delete your Facebook account than you'd think.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Natinal Geo mag admits past racist coverage

Chicago editor fired for conflict of interest

Seattle reporters win ethics award

Nike lets go of marketing exec for questionable behavior

Propublica has to correct an old story

From CNN's Brian Stelter:
ProPublica, one of the country's most respected news organizations, issued a massive correction on Thursday. EIC Stephen Engelberg retracted two of the main assertions in a February 2017 story about deputy CIA director Gina Haspel's role in the Bush-era interrogation and detention program.

WHY NOW: The 2017 story was revived earlier this week when President Trump picked Haspel to head the CIA. Q's about torture have surrounded Haspel's nomination.

WHAT WAS WRONG: The story said she ran the secret base where Abu Zubaydah was waterboarded, and that she "mocked the prisoner’s suffering in a private conversation." Engelberg: "Neither of these assertions is correct and we retract them. It is now clear that Haspel did not take charge of the base until after the interrogation of Zubaydah ended..."

WHAT WAS RIGHT: The story "did accurately report that Haspel later rose to a senior position at CIA headquarters, where she pushed her bosses to destroy the tapes of Zubaydah’s waterboarding." And she WAS in charge when another detainee was waterboarded...

How to apologize

Without a doubt, this is deeply embarrassing for ProPublica. But it should also be said that Engelberg's 975-word editor's note is a model for transparency. He tried to explain what went wrong and admitted that "this error was particularly unfortunate because it muddied an important national debate about Haspel and the CIA's recent history."

At the end of the note, Engelberg apologized to Haspel and to the site's readers. A ProPublica rep declined further comment when I asked on Thursday night...